Industries / Sectors

IPS Ceramics - Industries and Sectors

Industries / Sectors

IPS Ceramics work with a wide range of industries, manufacturing kiln furniture and technical ceramic products for companies around the world. From established manufacturers crafting traditional pottery to experimental start-ups inventing the latest technology, we have the ceramic knowledge and expertise to enhance your processes and deliver results.

IPS are always looking for more industries to work with. With over 250 years of collective experience in manufacturing ceramics, we have a strong and far-reaching portfolio of bespoke ceramic solutions which help push new and established industries forwards.

Industries Served:

Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics Aerospace
The aerospace industry commonly uses silicon nitride and silicon carbide due to their immense strength, toughness and wear resistance.
Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics Electrical / Telecommunications Industry
The electrical and telecommunication industries commonly use our steatite and alumina products for their excellent dielectric properties.
Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics Electric Vehicle (EV) Battery Manufacturing
The EV battery industry is served by our EV Battery range which includes cordierite setters, mullite saggars, alumina plates/modules, and silicon carbide furnace equipment.

Read our full EV Battery page here.

Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics Fire Assay Houses
Fire Assay Houses traditionally use cordierite refractory crucibles to testing the purity of precious metals such as gold, silver, and the platinum group metals (PGMs).

Read our full Assay House page here.

Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics Foundries
Our cordierite and silicon carbide kiln furniture is commonly used in foundries for their excellent strength in high temperature applications.
Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics Glass Industry
The glass industry commonly uses cordierite kiln furniture, including large batts which are used to form glass sheets.
Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics Heavy Clay Industry
IPS Ceramics’ Heavy Clay Range is designed to help with the manufacture of Heavy Clays and Heavy Clay products, including Bricks, Roof Tiles, Clay Drainage Pipes, and more.

Read our full Heavy Clay Industry page here.

Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics Investment / Lost Wax Casting
The investment / lost wax casting industry is served by our specialist investment casting range, including casting plugs, notched rods and pouring cups.

Read our full Investment / Lost Wax Casting page here.

Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics New Technologies
The manufacturers of new technologies commonly use our technical ceramics, particularly alumina and steatite, due to their stability, strength and ability to be formed into a wide range of shapes and sizes.
Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics Powder Metallurgy
The Powder Metallurgy sector commonly uses our cordierite plates and technical ceramic products, including alumina tiles, trays, tubes and more.
Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics Researchers / Laboratories
Laboratories, universities and researchers typically use our range of technical ceramics due to their stability, strength and ability to be formed into small components.

Read our full Researchers / Laboratory page here.

Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics Sanitaryware
In the Sanitaryware sector, our cordierite and silicon carbide kiln furniture is used for its strength, heat resistance, and ability to carry heavy loads. Click here for our full brochure.
Industries / Sectors IPS Ceramics Tableware
Our complete range of cordierite and silicon carbide kiln furniture is used in the tableware industry due to its dependability at high temperatures.

Contact Us

If you have a project or process and think our ceramics could help, please feel free to contact us.